Wednesday 11 March 2015

Let's Paint...Twinmold for Majora's Mask.

To celebrate the release of Zelda Majora's Mask for the 3DS, I have created a time lapse video of the Stone Temple boss, Twinmold from the game.

This was created using the program, Corel Painter 11.

For those of you who have played the game will need no introduction to this menacing beast but for those who are not, let me explain.

Twinmold is the boss monster from the Stone Tower level in Majora's Mask. There are two of them, one being blue and one being red. They are giant insect style monsters then fly and the hero of the game, Link must defeat them. To do this he must use a special mask that turns him into a giant.

For this one, I had two starting designs, this one and one from the side. I chose the front design as I felt that viewing the monster from the front would give a much better impact of the hideous nature of the creature which is something I felt the a side view couldn't do.

I had to research many pictures of bugs and insects to get an idea for a design which I'm glad I may never have to do again!

It didn't take as long as I thought it would either taking just over two hours to finish. I have thought about creating the other three bosses in the future.

So, what do you think? Let me know in the comments!


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